July’s 200 Word Theme — LIMBO

Punk Noir Magazine


Make of that word whatever you will.

200 word count MAX

All genres welcomed 

Subs open – 

June 1st — until I’ve gotten 50 of the best LIMBO stories. I’m going to be accepting/rejecting stories as I receive them. 

One attempt. One chance. No multiple submissions, please. 

Reprints allowed if the publication is at least 5 years old. 

(All pieces MUST be in a Word Doc with a 3rd person BIO. Please include a link to your social media if you like.) 

Submit here:



Stephen J. Golds 

Stephen J. Golds was born in North London, U.K, but has lived in Japan for most of his life. He speaks the language pretty well and makes great takoyaki.

He writes primarily in the noir and dirty realism genres and is the editor-in-chief of Punk Noir Press.

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