Small Alice — a Betrayal short by Zary Fekete

Punk Noir Magazine

Small Alice


Zary Fekete

The police satellite orbited above the house. When Alice stepped outside she was 5 ft 4 inches tall. Soon she couldn’t see over the corn.

The writing on the drug she took was in Mandarin: “Done 15 minutes.  Arrange safe place.” She ran into the open field as she shrank.

Quick images flashed: Caught with Janet. Janet’s suicide. Driving fast. The bike-riding kid. A slurry of blood. The judge serving her the sentence. The wording of the ad for Q-rious, the drug, “Problems shrink as you do.”

The last ad sentence, “Shrink the next few years…the future will be brighter!


Zary Fekete grew up in Hungary. He has a debut novella (Words on the Page) out with DarkWinter Lit Press in addition to two short story collections later in 2024. He enjoys books, podcasts, and many many many films. Twitter and Instagram: @ZaryFekete

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